The history of the discovery of the cigarette–lung cancer link ...
Lung cancer was once a very rare disease, so rare that doctors took special notice when confronted with a case, thinking it a once-in-a-lifetime oddity. Mechanisation and mass marketing towards the end of the 19th century popularised the cigarette habit, however, causing a global lung cancer epidemic. Cigarettes were recognised as the cause of the epidemic in the 1940s and 1950s, with the ...
Authors - Tobacco Control
When publishing in Tobacco Control, authors choose between three licence types – exclusive licence granted to BMJ, CC-BY-NC and CC-BY (Creative Commons open access licences require payment of an article-processing charge).As an author you may wish to post your article in an institutional or subject repository, or on a scientific social sharing network.
Evolution of the global smoking epidemic over the past half …
Background Despite compelling evidence on the health hazards of tobacco products accumulated over the past 70 years, smoking remains a leading cause of death worldwide. Policy action to control smoking requires timely, comprehensive, and comparable evidence on smoking levels within and across countries. This study provides a recent assessment of that evidence based on the methods used in the ...
Nicotine pouches: a summary of regulatory approaches across 67 ...
Introduction Nicotine pouches are small, permeable pouches containing nicotine. The nicotine may either be derived from tobacco plants or synthetically produced. Nicotine pouches are available worldwide, but little is known as to how various countries regulate these products. This study summarises nicotine pouch regulatory policies across 67 countries. Methods This research summarises insights ...
Cellulose acetate cigarette filter is hazardous to human health
The World No Tobacco Day 2022 theme emphasised tobacco’s adverse environmental effects, including through agriculture, manufacturing, distribution, use and the disposal of tobacco product waste. A main concern regarding this toxic waste is the cigarette filter, which is attached to nearly all commercial cigarettes and is predominantly made from a …
Differential price responses for tobacco consumption: implications …
Increasing tobacco taxes is considered the most effective an cost-effective policy to reduce tobacco consumption. However, a common objection to tobacco taxes is that they tend to rely disproportionately on the poorest individuals since less affluent smokers incur proportionately greater expenditures on cigarettes compared with more affluent smokers. Such objections usually assume that all ...
Tobacco taxes as a tobacco control strategy | Tobacco Control
Background Increases in tobacco taxes are widely regarded as a highly effective strategy for reducing tobacco use and its consequences. Methods The voluminous literature on tobacco taxes is assessed, drawing heavily from seminal and recent publications reviewing the evidence on the impact of tobacco taxes on tobacco use and related outcomes, as well as that on tobacco tax administration ...
Levels of nicotine and tobacco-specific nitrosamines in oral …
Background Nicotine pouches without tobacco are new products that deliver nicotine into the body via the oral mucosa. There is a lack of independent research on the chemical composition and product characteristics of these products, contributing to uncertainties regarding product regulation. This study sought to address knowledge gaps by assessing levels of nicotine and screening for tobacco ...
The ‘tobacco endgame’ in an age of disinformation: rising to the ...
As 2025 begins, marking the 20th anniversary year of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) entering into force, it is timely to reflect on how much the tobacco control landscape has changed. Advances that were unimaginable to many at the time the FCTC was being negotiated have been made, yet progress remains both uneven and precarious, subject to government changes and the ...
Evolution of tobacco products: recent history and future directions
Mar 1, 2022 · Declines in cigarette smoking prevalence in many countries and the consolidation of the tobacco industry have prompted the introduction of other forms of nicotine delivery. These include electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), heated tobacco products (HTPs) and oral nicotine products (ONPs). Evolving over time, some of these products now deliver nicotine at levels comparable to cigarettes ...