List of English medieval pottery - Wikipedia
English medieval pottery was produced in Britain from the sixth to the late fifteenth centuries AD. During the sixth to the eighth centuries, pottery was handmade locally and fired in a bonfire. Common pottery fabrics consisted of clay tempered with sand or shell, or a mix of sand and shell.
Surrey whiteware - Wikipedia
Surrey whiteware or Surrey white ware, is a type of lead-glazed pottery produced in England from the 13th to the 16th centuries. ... In 14th century London, the demand for Coarse Border ware grew rapidly as demand for Kingston-type ware diminished. At the end of the 14th century, the Kingston-type pottery industry was in decline; By the early ...
14th-century-english-pottery/ - Formed Earth Studio
This gallery below shares examples of 14th Century English Pottery made by me over the years. Cups, bowls, tiles and jars are available exclusively at the gift shop at Camlann Medieval Village. The gift shop part of the Interpretive Center which is located in the upper story of the Gate House.
Medieval Ceramics - online - Medieval Pottery Research Group
‘An attempt to make a replica 14th century Lincoln ware jug’, by Andrew MacDonald. ‘Documentary evidence for medieval ceramic roofing materials and its archaeological implications: some thoughts’, by Stephen Moorhouse.
Medieval Ceramics - Medieval Pottery Research Group
‘An attempt to make a replica 14th century Lincoln ware jug’, by Andrew MacDonald. ‘Documentary evidence for medieval ceramic roofing materials and its archaeological implications: some thoughts’, by Stephen Moorhouse.
It describes how to anticipate and locate pottery production sites and the types of evidence that may be found. This document also provides advice on the available methods and strategies for examining, recording and sampling features and finds of various types at each stage of the work.
12 Types of Pottery We Found at Leiston Abbey So Far
Feb 17, 2016 · Late Hedingham-Type Ware (mid 14th-15th century) Hedingham potters, from north Essex, were famed for their 13th century jugs and flagons, which are found at sites all over East Anglia, and have been summed up as "the most distinctive fine ware in the area".
Laverstock Pottery - The Salisbury Museum
Medieval, 13th-14th century A group of glazed medieval baluster jugs from the pottery kilns at Laverstock near Salisbury. This industry is known to have been producing vast quantities of all manner of everyday pottery during the 1200s and 1300s.
Medieval Pottery | The Salisbury Museum
Medieval, 13th-14th century A group of glazed medieval baluster jugs from the pottery kilns at Laverstock near Salisbury. This industry is known to have been producing vast quantities of all manner of everyday pottery during the 1200s and 1300s.
Hedingham Ware: a medieval pottery industry in north Essex; its ...
The main products of the Hedingham pottery industry were decorated and glazed finewares, mainly jugs, and grey-firing coarsewares, produced between the 12th and 14th centuries. This study provides a synthesis of Hedingham Ware production, and the distribution of Hedingham Ware within greater East Anglia.