It became part of Walstead Leykam. Since then the NP Druck operation has been downsized from four web offset presses, ...
Service Graphics is relocating its Cestrian and Image Group operations to Skelmersdale after the landlord decided to terminate the lease on its Cheadle site.
North Somerset Council’s free printed magazine to all residents will no longer be published after a council decision taken last week.
Hunkeler Innovationdays 2025 has drawn to a close after four busy days in Lucerne that found the show in rude health, with the slightly tweaked format a hit with many visitors and exhibitors.
Former prime minister Theresa May, now the Baroness May of Maidenhead, has accepted the Printing Charity’s invitation to become its 2025.
Staff at Reflections Print Finishers have been left out of work and unpaid after the business was abruptly shuttered.