Steven Soderbergh is a celebrated filmmaker, recognized for movies including Erin Brokovich, Traffic, and his debut Sex, Lies ...
More than $10 million a minute—that’s the rate at which watchdog Tom Sullivan says the Metropolitan Sewer District board approved taxpayer projects at a recent meeting.
In his nomadic career, Soderbergh has been a big-screen name happy to work for Netflix and HBO. Presence, though, is clearly made to be watched in the cinema, with a crowd, preferably while being ...
With director Steven Soderbergh's latest film hitting theatres, Postmedia's Mark Daniell speaks to Lucy Liu and Chris Sullivan about preparing for their unconventional horror film — and their own ...
Backstage Experience's Dave Morales spoke to the stars of the new film Presence, Lucy Liu and Chris Sullivan, which is about a family who starts to think they're not alone in their new home.
If it's illegal for a cooler to fly out of your pickup truck, why isn't it illegal when big rigs fail to cover or secure their loads?
A towering edifice in its own right, Corbet’s film indulges itself at times — one scene of sexual violence is utterly unnecessary — but remains wholly absorbing despite its lengthy runtime. Callina ...
Lucy Liu and Julia Fox star in a film that puts the viewer in the perspective of the ghost haunting a family’s new home ...
With the audience haunting a sad family through a spirit's POV, Steven Soderbergh's latest experiment is ultimately about the ...
The entire film is shot entirely from the ghost's point of view, the audience haunting a family that has recently moved into ...
They’re selling “Presence” as a horror movie when it’s something else entirely: a ghost story as told from the point of view ...