"The Forge" is a thought-provoking film that explores themes of faith, purpose, and the importance of a strong relationship with God. Through insightful dialogue and compelling storytelling, the film ...
Mr. T wants everyone he meets to know about God’s love. “Keep believing in God. Keep praying,” he shared on an episode ...
George Washington, the first President of the United States, was a man of prayer. This spiritual discipline came about long ...
In the spirit of thanksgiving, Warsaw residents once again shared the gifts of peace, hope, and joy with each other this Christmas season and graciously gave their time, talents, and ...
President-elect Donald Trump's “One America, One Light” prayer service invites attendees to bow their heads at an exorbitant ...
In truth, every one of us needs as much prayer as we can get because we’re imperfect people going through life basically not ...
A toddler in trouble immediately turns to a parent. Bump a shin or stumble, they open their arms, fully expecting mom or dad ...
BYU's president launched a new semester by saying God can do more in a person's troubled life than the Cougar football team ...
And rising very early in the morning, while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he ...
Explore the significance of the Hail Mary prayer and its biblical origins in today's Gospel. Understand the different types of prayer and the role of Mary in Christian worship.
No matter the circumstances of the abortion, we must recognize the often-silent grief of parents for their child,” Bishop ...
The New Jersey representative will receive the organization’s annual Christifideles Laici Award at the 20th National Catholic ...