The jewel of Russell’s Smith’s antique coal and gas stove collection is an 1887 Germer coal stove, made in Erie and ...
Trendy wood-burning stoves emit dangerous air pollution, but a new report claims their benefits have been 'overlooked'. Experts at Stove Industry Association (SIA), the UK's trade association ...
Owning a wood-burning stove is good for your physical and mental health, according to a new report. Previous reports have linked open fires in a home to poor health - with concerns over pollution ...
In Sudbury, Glencore operations include exploration, Fraser Mine, Craig Mine Onaping Depth (Project), Nickel Rim South Mine (which is in ... it also owns a massive coal business that would likely be ...
Question: We use our wood stove all winter for heat, so we always have an abundance of wood ashes to clean out frequently. I’ve heard ashes could be used in the garden. Is that true? Do you have ...