Natasha Estey’s time as an anthropology student at McMaster profoundly influenced her life and the way she sees the world. From inspiring a solo trip to Oceana, where she gained deep insights into ...
At the end of XO, Kitty season 2, episode 1, we learn that Stella is actually Esther but why is she hiding who she is? Stella first introduces herself in XO, Kitty as Kitty, Yuri and Juliana's new ...
So, here’s an explanation of who Stella, or Esther, actually is in XO Kitty. Stella introduces herself in XO, Kitty as Yuri and Juliana’s new KISS roommate. Stella says she has transferred ...
The UB Awards for Excellence in Research, Scholarship and Creativity recognize outstanding contributions from each decanal area that achieve superiority in presentation, content, and scope, and which ...