Linda Drane Burdick served as lead prosecutor in Casey Anthony's trial. She still works for the Ninth Judicial Circuit Court ...
Broward Health is proud to be one of the first healthcare systems in Broward County to offer the FARAPULSEâ„¢ Pulsed Field Ablation System, a groundbreaking technology to treat atrial fibrillation ...
$605,000, 3107 Chestnut Hill Ave, Anderson, Brenda L, and Anderson, Paul F, to Curry, Stephen, and Curry, Kim.$193,000, 742 Daniel Shays Hwy #3F, Magane, Erla, to ...
The following real estate transactions were recorded in the Luzerne County Office of the Recorder of Deeds from Nov. 1-14, 2024.
Remember me ♪ How about that Joan Baez, folks? [ Cheers and applause ... Presenting the award is the new CEO of AARP, Dr. Myechia Minter-Jordan. [ Applause ] ♪♪ -For more than 65 years ...
NEW YORK (AP) — A Florida woman backed by wealthy advisers who created a company to make it easier for college students to apply for financial aid went on trial Thursday on criminal charges that ...
Recommended Videos Javice's attorney, Jose Baez, blamed the criminal probe that resulted in charges against his client on the nation's largest bank, saying it experienced “buyer's remorse ...