it’s still a remarkable achievement that someone who grew up on Mckinley Street here in Middletown can make it to the second highest office in the land,” said Middletown Communications Manager Clay ...
The Department of Integration has temporarily suspended the relocation of over 400 Ukrainian women and children who were told that they would have to leave the Quality Hotel in Redbarn in Youghal ...
When Clay CEO Kareem Amin logged off in September 2021 to embark upon a 10 day meditation retreat, he had the future of his business to think about. Four years of work on the New York-based ...
Concreting of the base plate of the second module began and the formation of a "clay castle" (a special underlying layer of clay that prevents the migration of radionuclides deep into the earth) on ...
Oleksandra Poddubova, Olena Deriy and Olena Podlipska. Olena Deriy runs a popular salon in Youghal that is now under threat of closure. A Co Cork town will struggle financially, with severe ...