Amanda Kitchings may say she is running as an Independent (I) for County Commissioner District 1, but her actions are left of the average Democrat voter.
With homelessness on the rise and communities throughout Washington state feeling the impact, the Washington State Department of Commerce recently released a new five-year Homeless Housing Strategic ...
Four new childcare providers have opened their doors in Klickitat County in the past two years, and one more is nearing approval with the help of the Klickitat County Childcare ...
Our valley is filled with hunters out hoping to put meat in their freezers this fall. The weather has been pretty cooperative, clear and cool. The fall colors coming into ...
Cold and flu season is here. The best way to battle cold and flu season is to prevent coming down with anything at all. While it’s impossible to ...
The insurance pool for Klickitat County has overruled a decision by the majority County Commission, declaring that Commissioner Dan Christopher will be defended by the pool.