The Swiss Bankers Association on Thursday criticised government plans for tougher capital requirements on UBS following the ...
S&P 500 Futures rose 0.1% to 5,843.0 points, while Nasdaq 100 Futures rose 0.4% to 20,290.50 points by 19:53 ET (23:53 GMT).
Spot gold rose 0.3% to $2,724.70 an ounce, while gold futures expiring in December rose 0.3% to $2,737.15 an ounce by 00:23 ... -- U.S. stocks fell Wednesday as Treasury yields continued to climb on concerns about more shallow outlook for ...
Oil prices fell sharply Wednesday after industry data signaled an increase in U.S. oil inventories, while focus remained on ...
The gap between French and German 10-year yields - the premium investors demand to hold France's bonds - was last at 74 bps. It was around 77 bps before Prime Minister Michel Barnier presented the ...
周四,Baird调整了ICON plc (NASDAQ:ICLR)的股票评级。ICON plc是一家为制药、生物技术和医疗设备行业提供外包开发服务的全球供应商。该公司将ICON的评级从"优于大市"下调至"中性",并将目标价设定为340.00美元。 – Tesla (NASDAQ: TSLA) batte le stime di Wall Street e sgomma in Borsa. Il titolo del costruttore statunitense ...
[알파경제=류정민 기자] 올해 3분기 한국 경제가 겨우 전분기 대비 0.1%의 소폭 성장을 기록하면서, 정부는 연간 성장률 목표인 2.6% 달성이 불투명하다고 진단했다. 24일 기획재정부 이승한 종합정책과장은 정부세종청사에서 ... - Es uno de los valores en la parte baja del Ibex 35 este jueves. Bankinter (BME:BKT) cae en Bolsa tras ...
英为财情 -周四,10月24日,市场低开低走,深成指、创业板指双双跌超1%,北证50指数盘中一度大涨7%,再创历史新高。 截至收盘, 上证指数 收跌0.68%,报3280.26点, 深证成份指数 收跌1.27%,报10441 ...