A new NASA-led study suggests that photosynthetic microbes could thrive in hidden bubbles of meltwater below patches of ice ...
Due to its rusty red appearance caused by iron oxide in its soil, Mars has always been known as the Red Planet. However, ...
A new study has posited that certain regions could be better suited for life to grow on Mars than others due to certain ...
Photosynthetic habitable zones' could exist beneath radiation-filtering ice on Mars, offering scientists another region in ...
"Some of these features are surprisingly dark compared with their icy surroundings, earning their nickname of 'cryptic ...
An unexpected detour revealed a treasure trove of blue boulders on the Red Planet in an ancient river channel.
If we’re going to live on Mars we’ll need a way to grow food in its arid dirt. Researchers think they know a way.
NASA's Curiosity rover has new insights into how Mars might have changed from a potentially habitable, water-rich planet to ...
“Martian ice exposures are probably one of the most accessible places we should be looking” for life on the red planet, ...
Mars pareidolia strikes again. An image captured by the Perseverance rover in the course of its duties is one of the ...
See the Red Planet slip behind the moon and re-emerge in this time-lapse. Credit: Griffith Observatory | edited by ...
If life exists on Mars, a creature would have to withstand radiation and have access to water. One potential niche fulfilling ...