After Wyoming attempted to slash regulations around take of mountain lions, the state's houndsmen, hunters, and outfitters ...
Two measures that would've made it illegal to run down wolves and coyotes with snowmachines in Wyoming didn't pass due to ...
With what they call “bad bills” being considered by the Wyoming Legislature, a group of hunters and anglers rallied outside ...
The bill proposes a $10 fee for an annual shed hunting license for residents and a $50 non-resident license. License holders ...
Mountain West communities are split over the USFWS’ decision to manage isolated bear populations as one. But many agree that ...
The virus struck more layer and other commercial poultry farms, as well as backyard flocks in multiple states.
If confirmed, one-time game warden would helm an agency that has roughly 8,000 employees and oversees a wildlife refuge ...
Garfield County commissioners recently issued a letter complaining about the latest round of wolf releases in Colorado, and ...
Rocky Mountain National Park is studying the impacts a booming moose population is having on its ailing willows and wetlands.
President Donald Trump’s new picks to lead federal land and wildlife agencies are already causing concern for those who value science-based, conservative management.
Rep. Tom Millett’s joint resolution is directed at the claim by some Utah Republican lawmakers that 18.5 million acres of BLM ...