"One of Them Days" is a fresh, fun buddy comedy starring Keke Palmer and SZA and produced by Issa Rae. Movie review.
Read the article below to know the condition SZA has to continue venturing into the world of acting. Check it out below!
The singer-songwriter and costar Keke Palmer, along with director Lawrence Lamont and producer Issa Rae, chat about the Los ...
Keke Palmer and SZA bring back the buddy comedy and it couldn't have been more chaotic or funny. The film also stars Katt ...
Horror, not comedy, has been the go-to movie genre in recent years, but a movie like "One of Them Days," starring Keke Palmer ...
This is the story of director Lawrence Lamont’s One Of Them Days: When the first of the month comes along and two longtime ...
The Grammy-winning musician SZA makes her screen debut in this funny, shaggy comedy about two L.A. roommates and a bad ...
SZA and Keke Palmer star in the buddy comedy "One of Them Days" alongside Joshua David Neal, Katt Williams and Dewayne Perkins.
The 31-year-old actress had SZA and Issa Rae speechless when she started explaining why she thought there was one particular ...
One of Them Days hinges so much on the chemistry and comedic back and forth of its leads, and Keke Palmer and SZA deliver.