The project initially targeted 10,000 low-performing primary and kindergarten schools in Ghana. Dr. Taliercio made the pledge during a site visit to a Ghana Learning and Accountability Outcomes ...
Here are 42 pictures of new starters from primary schools across Calderdale. Pick up a copy of this week’s Halifax Courier, out now, for our school starters special. *All pictures have been ...
The life cycles of plants and trees A collection of short science videos for primary schools explaining plant life cycles and the living processes plants support. Three short films for 5 to 7 year ...
Financial education differs across the nation, with Scotland and Northern Ireland having financial capability or financial education on the curriculum from primary school, however, this is not the ...
According to UNICEF estimates, around the world, 122 million girls are out of school, including 34 million of primary school age, and 87 million of secondary school age. Globally, primary, and ...
Cape Cena Primary School in Namatanai, New Ireland province, received a new water tank, which will provide clean water for both the school and the community. Kina Bank Collections Manager, Otmin ...
The World Bank has approved an additional US$117.13 million to expand the Ghana Accountability for Learning Outcomes Project (GALOP) to all non-performing kindergarten (KG) and primary schools across ...
The grant is intended to ensure that interventions to improve basic education in 10,000 targeted low performing schools were extended to all non-performing kindergarten (KG) and primary schools in the ...
So far, WA Labor has pledged $12 million towards Cowaramup Primary School, as well as smaller amounts for the Picton and Bunbury primary schools.