Woonallee Simmentals ... If a bull has been used that produces something they are not happy with, whether it’s feet or milk or structure, that sire line is removed in a take no prisoners ...
Now the first week of United Auctions’ Stirling Bull Sales has finished, the countdown is on for the other four breeds to enter the ring. Charolais, Luing, Salers and Simmental breeders will head to ...
OAKLAND, Calif. - A Bay Area man convicted of killing two women, whose naked bodies were found along a road, showed no remorse during his sentencing on Tuesday, disrupting the proceedings by singing.
It’s the milkiness, docile nature and daily liveweight gain of the Simmental that has brought the breed to the forefront for the Christie family, Midtown of Glass, Huntly. The farm, run by Gary and ...
MK Ayman Odeh (Hadash-Ta'al) is not showing any remorse for remarks comparing the ... "The simple truth is that no one who was charged with murder was released. Most of the Palestinians who ...
Unlimited access to all stories from nashuatelegraph.com on your computer, tablet or smart phone. Access nashuatelegraph.com, view our digital edition or use our Full ...
He’s already cut ties with them. My questions are these: How do I forgive my mother when she shows no accountability or remorse? And how can I build relationships with my dad’s family in ...
HOUSTON (KLTV) - Muleshoe native Dalton Kasel is the No. 2 ranked bull rider in the world and is set to compete in Houston on Jan. 17-18. Kasel joined East Texas Now Wednesday to discuss the PBR ...
Participants can pay for a chance to run a half-mile course along with a dozen bulls, say the organizers of the event, Glendale-based Bullrun Festival. Similar events by the company have ...
A south Gilbert neighborhood has been overrun by cattle and residents are pleading ... “I’m concerned for my nine-year-old who is no longer able to play in the parks or be out riding her ...