Disney's animated sequel, Moana 2, has grossed $990 million at the global box office and become one of the top 15 ...
A film worker is suing Disney for $10 billion, claiming the "Moana" franchise shares "breathtaking" similarities to work he ...
Disney has been hit with a copyright lawsuit alleging that the popular Moana franchise was lifted from a decades-old ...
Disney has been sued for $10 billion by an animator named Buck Woodall, who claims film producer Jenny Marchick conspired ...
Disney’s "Moana 2," the highly anticipated sequel to the ... That makes it the fourth-highest grossing movie of the year. For now, "Moana 2" remains exclusively on the big screen.
There’s troubled waters ahead for Moana 2. More so than sea ... look deal with Disney. Disney has put forth materials to prove the originality of the Moana movies. In a declaration of the ...
Animator Buck Woodall accuses Disney of stealing ideas from his script for a Polynesian-inspired animated film titled "Bucky" ...
Animator Buck Woodall has filed a $10 billion lawsuit against Disney, claiming the company copied elements of his animated ...
This has been a solid holdover box office weekend with milestones crossed and neared for the major titles in release as we ...
Animator Buck Woodall claims Moana 2 infringes on his Bucky screenplay, demanding a part of the movie’s earnings.
There’s troubled waters ahead for Moana 2. More so than sea monsters and killer coconuts: a lawsuit right in the midst of award season.