Stephenie Meyer's hit vampire novel is 20 years old, and 'Twilight' is being released with three special editions, including a collectible box set.
Katie Mitchell, an Atlanta author and owner of Instagram store Good Books ATL, spent two years touring the country’s Black bookstores.
The true depth of Michael Mosoeu Moerane’s work as a composer and educator is revealed in a stunning new biography called The Times Do Not Permit.
Patna: As CBSE and CISCE board examinations draw near, experts advise students to prioritize proper nutrition, sufficient ...
Patna: As CBSE and CISCE board examinations draw near, experts advise students to prioritize proper nutrition, sufficient hydration, and adequate rest.
With all the divisions in this country, it’s amazing that the ability to round out your letters has become controversial, writes Laurel Vermilyea Cortes.
He particularly favors Tang Dynasty calligrapher Ouyang Xun, whose kaishu (regular script) works are vigorous and forceful, ...
Recently, I asked members of our BuzzFeed Community to tell me some older traditions they wish would make a comeback. Some of ...