The outer ear is unique to mammals, but its evolutionary origin has remained a mystery. According to a new study published in ...
The same material that millions of Americans view solely as a vessel for their Amazon deliveries could be used to construct ...
Fiber is well known to be an important part of a healthy diet, yet less than 10% of Americans eat the minimum recommended ...
E=mc² is probably the most famous equation ever, and it's repeatedly misunderstood. It's not even the whole equation!
Five years on from the first news of COVID, recent reports of an obscure respiratory virus in China may understandably raise ...
Getting a good night’s sleep is a critical part of our daily biological cycle and is associated with improved brain function, ...
British Prime Minister Winston Churchill is purported to have said, “Americans will always do the right thing, only after ...
For decades, scientists have been trying to develop therapeutics for people living with Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive ...
As a caterpillar, a grass skipper butterfly is an architect. It builds its home by weaving silk, which the caterpillar uses ...
Why empires fall is a question that fascinates many. But in the search for an answer, imagination can run wild. Suggestions ...
In July 2020, a young female climber was trapped in a vicious rockfall in the “Corridor of Death” on Mont Blanc, Europe’s highest peak. The Estonian woman was pinned on the steep, open gully, halfway ...
In the early 20th century, the mathematician Godel showed that any mathematical system is incomplete, using a version of the self-referential paradox: 'this sentence is not true'. Here, neuroscientist ...