I have a confession to make: for a really long time, I found Will Ferrell to be pretty cringey. The movies that many consider ...
Prior to throwing on You’re Cordially Invited with my Amazon Prime Video subscription, I didn’t know a ton about the film ...
Film Review, a movie written and directed by Nicholas Stoller and starring Reese Witherspoon, Will Ferrell, Geraldine ...
The latter is true for Prime Video's newest number-one rom-com, starring Reese Witherspoon and Will Ferrell. Directed and written by Nicholas Stoller, You’re Cordially Invited has entered the ...
Are you with the bride or the groom? Hold on, scratch that. Are you with Reese Witherspoon or Will Ferrell? You’re Cordially Invited, a new comedy directed by Nicholas Stoller, brings together two ...
Each member of You’re Cordially Invited’s principal cast receives ... She also shines in the scenes that she has with Will Ferrell, which is saying a lot, given that he’s an esteemed veteran ...
Are you with the bride or the groom? Hold on, scratch that. Are you with Reese Witherspoon or Will Ferrell? “You're Cordially Invited,” a new comedy directed by Nicholas Stoller, brings ...
"Hats off to the writer-director Nicholas Stoller", who has taken an exhausted genre (the wedding comedy) and somehow brought it to "vivid, frequently side-splitting life", said Kevin Maher in The ...
In the raunchy movie You're Cordially Invited, Will Ferrell and Reese Witherspoon face a mortifying conundrum: Their families' destination... 'You're Cordially Invited' to an old-fashioned wedding ...
A fleet of Chevy Suburban SUVs is featured in the new film starring Will Farrell and Reese Witherspoon in a joke about the ...
While I put off watching You’re Cordially Invited, after seeing these two have ... and I enjoyed how Ferrell and Witherspoon used their talents to be the family members of the brides at odds.