We welcome students interested in software engineering, empirical research and modern software technologies to do their thesis with our group! Below are some pointers and topics stemming from our ...
you should seek out a thesis adviser (usually someone in the geographic or chronological speciality of interest to you), go through the mechanics of formal registration and begin designing a strategy ...
Workshops are facilitated by honors advisors and designed to help you learn the process of completing an honors thesis specific to your major and help you begin thinking about potential topics and ...
Doctoral students are required to have a minimum of 12 semester hours in 799 dissertation research AND, either during or before candidacy, 12 semester hours in other appropriate research-based ...
Please note that fonts, spacing, punctuation, and styles must be precisely as specified. Please follow the directions and the sample pages exactly. The content of the traditional thesis/dissertation ...
The California Code of Regulations: Title 5 Education, Section 40510 defines a thesis as: The written product of a systematic study of a significant problem. It identifies the problem, states the ...
This guide outlines the required thesis/dissertation format, technical specifications, and submission procedure to be followed by master's and doctoral candidates at the University of Massachusetts ...
Ideally, this form should be submitted at least three semesters before you intend to graduate. Fill in your proposed thesis topic, attach a one-page general description of the work to be done, and ...
The Thesis and Dissertation Office assists graduate students in the formatting, editing, and depositing of their theses. Our staff will consult with you to ensure that your thesis is ready for defense ...
A law school personal statement can take various forms. The voice, tone, content, storyline and structure will depend on who you are and what you’re writing about. But all personal statements serve ...
Feb. 5, the Honors Council and the Honors Guides for Peer Success (GPS) hosted “Thesis Night,” which tackled the requirements for the thesis necessary to graduate in the Honors ...