The Odyssey is set in the world of the Ancient Greeks where the lives of gods, men and magical monsters intertwine. The story follows a hero, Odysseus, the king of Ithaca, who is trying to return ...
Penn classics professor Emily Wilson is back in the spotlight, thanks in part to Christopher Nolan. The Oppenheimer director recently announced an adaptation of The Odyssey as his next project, ...
“The Odyssey” is a classic piece of literature by Homer that is divided between 24 different books, preceded by “The Iliad.” It tells the 10-year journey story of Odysseus, king of ...
Sing to me, muse! Details of Christopher Nolan‘s star-studded next project at Universal have finally been revealed. According to a new X post from Universal Pictures, the filmmaker’s next ...
Here’s how it works. If you have seen any movie, or read any book, about someone undergoing harsh challenges trying to return home, then you know about The Odyssey. It is the textbook ...
Tom Holland, take note: Christopher Nolan‘s new film for Universal is The Odyssey, an adaptation of the epic poem composed by Homer around the 8th century BCE, the studio has revealed.
Following the critical and commercial success of Oppenheimer, Oscar-winning director Christopher Nolan is set to adapt Homer's epic poem The Odyssey into a feature film. Nolan has already stirred ...
The movie is called The Odyssey, and it’s going to be taking the legendary director into the mythic action genre. Mythic action is not exactly something you'd associate with Nolan, but seeing as ...
Nolan’s next feature film will be titled “The Odyssey” and will be a direct adaptation of the ancient Greek epic poem, one of the oldest works of popular literature. Universal Pictures ...