On the lamp's surface "appears a very slender woman ... Possibly the image is of a specific examination that one of the Roman doctors performed, he added. "We know that during that period there ...
Archaeologists in Jerusalem have discovered a 1,700-year-old oil lamp decorated with rare Jewish artwork, including a unique menorah — a surprise given that the Roman Empire had tried to ...
Three Roman lamps found on the site of the cemetery of Djemal, south of Sousse in Tunisia in North Africa with a written account of their discovery in the 1890s. They were brought to the ...
The wick was lit and would burn, using the oil to stay alight, very similar to a much earlier Roman oil lamp. The hook on the side of the lamp was used to put it onto a jacket, hat or piece of ...
This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section. Bailey D.M. 1980. A Catalogue of the Lamps in the British Museum II: Roman Lamps Made in Italy. Oxford. Barag D. and Hershkovitz M. 1994.
"Lately, I have been studying the connection between the manufacturer names stamped on the bottoms of Roman lamps and Roman water pipes from aqueducts. I believe we can find the location of the ...
Three Roman lamps found on the site of the cemetery of Djemal, south of Sousse in Tunisia in North Africa with a written account of their discovery in the 1890s. They were brought to the ...