The actor joins Q’s Tom Power to discuss her starring role in Soderbergh’s new horror thriller, Presence, which tells a haunted house story from the point-of-view of the ghost.
Steven Soderbergh’s directorial credits include Erin Brockovich, Traffic, Ocean’s Eleven, and Magic Mike. His latest, ...
Lucy Liu was taken aback by how different 'Presence' filmmaker Steven Soderbergh's approach to directing was compared to ...
Liu, who recently appeared in the Dwayne Johnson Christmas movie Red One, admits that if she were the sort of person who ...
Lucy Liu has no regrets about standing up for herself, 25 years after her on set clash with Bill Murray.
Lucy Liu wowed fans in a sheer Zuhair Murad gown for the New York City premiere of "Presence," in theaters Jan. 24.
Lucy Liu explains why she decided to confront Bill Murray on the Charlie’s Angels set in 1999 following an altercation while ...
Lucy Liu explained why she chose to 'protect herself' against Bill Murray on the Charlie's Angels set rather than turning the ...
Jimmy challenges the Tonight Show audience to guess what Lucy Liu would choose in different scenarios, like if she prefers ...